DIY “The Butterflies”

You should have:

7 Boards

35 Nails (extras included)

1 Screw

1 Knob

Assembly Instructions:

Step 1: Attach piece 1 to piece 2 by making sure to match the stars on each piece. Then drive a nail through each of the corresponding pre-drilled holes in piece 1. 

Step 2: Attach the knob to piece 3 using the provided screw.

Step 3: Attach piece 3 to piece 1 making sure to match circles on each piece. Then drive a nail through the drilled hole in piece 1. Note there is only one. This allows the door to open. 

Step 4: Attach piece 4 to pieces 2 and 3 in the same way you completed step 2. Match the shapes. Drive the nails. Note. There is only one nail on the door side. 

Step 5: Attach piece 5 to the bottom of the bird house. Line up the back of the house with the back of the base. Center the house on the base by using the marks on bottom of piece 1 and 5. Then drive the nails through the pre-drilled holes in piece 5.

Step 6: Attach piece 6 to the roof. Use the guide marks on the roof to center and align piece 6. Drive the nails. 

Step 7: Attach piece 7 to the roof. Use marks on the roof to keep things centered. Drive the nails. 

Step 8: Get baked! Get creative with paint or stain, or simply place your house wherever you would like and enjoy whatever comes your way.


The Love Bird


The Batchelor Pad